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My Job

Welcome to my Georgia Southern University Web Page! I'm an Instructional Technologist/Designer in the Center for Online Learning. I assist faculty with online course design and development, specifically the pedagogical (the art and science of teaching) aspects of teaching and learning in an online environment.

The tools of technology and the art and science of teaching (pedagogy) do not exist in isolation in the educational environment. They come together to form, in what I would term, a symbiotic relationship. Used correctly, they can take teaching and learning to new heights. Used incorrectly, technology can place a barrier between the student and learning. Emphasizing effective use of technology in education has taken on greater importance in the last few years, and is just one of the reasons the Center for Online Learning exists.

Something interesting happens when faculty are just beginning to incorporate technology into their teaching strategies. Learning to use technological tools in a pedagogically-sound manner is a process. When faculty are learning to "push the buttons" of technology, we talk about how or why we might or might not us a certain tool. All this information can be a little daunting to say the least. After they become a little more comfortable with the technology, their thinking turns more to effective use of the tools, and this is where it gets interesting! This is where the synthesis of technology and pedagogy begins! At this point in their learning process, I get calls or emails asking me what would be the best approach for using this or that tool for a particular situation. They want to know how they can engage their students. It is here that I also learn a great deal with them! We frequently meet face-to-face to explore options. A lot of times, we plot things out on paper or on the whiteboard so we can better visualize the task. After tossing ideas back and forth and scratching our heads for a while, an answer will begin to emerge.


Would you like to attend workshops to bring you up to speed on GeorgiaView or some other aspect of technology? Sign up for training workshops on the University Training Calendar here.


The Center for Online Learning works with departments to develop courses that support Georgia Southern University's online degree programs. If you or your department is interested in participating in our online course development program, please contact the Center for Online Learning.

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