Academic Integrity, Online Cheating, Plagiarism

International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) conference in Chamonix, France, March 2007

Academic Integrity and Resource Notes

Integrity links at
[cf. invited essay "Student plagiarism: how to maintain academic integrity" for the Professional Organizational Development (POD) network, doc format - 1st attachment - goodsontext6_aug09afternoon.]

Draft paper and presentation "Fractured Fairy Tales of Plagiarism Detection" [presentation to Association for Educational Communications and Technology; submission to Tech Trends; additional co-authored information literacy conference with Judi Repman & Lisa Smith, forthcoming - 2nd attachment - goodson_aect01]

Report on failures of plagiarism detection technology [3rd attachment - goodson_detectionfailures1pager012507]

”Assignment Development Checklist” for building assignments with lower probability of plagiarism, developed by Ludy Goodson and used by faculty at the New England Institute of Technology, in review and revision by our Faculty Learning Committee (FLC) on Academic Integrity (Ludy Goodson, Judi Repman, Rosemarie Stallworth-Clark, Lisa Smith, Sonya Shepherd, Jocelyn Poole) [4th attachment - goodson_developing_active_assignments]

Information literacy draft outcomes for first year students, developed collaboratively by members of the FLC on Academic Integrity and the FLC on Information Literacy (Bede Mitchell, Cheryl Aasheim, Ludy Goodson, Jill Lockwood, Leigh Thomson, Lisa Smith, Rebecca Ziegler, Robert Fernekes, Tom Case) [5th attachment - goodson_fye_draft_outcomes]

Sites with support materials reviewed by the FLC on Academic Integrity, the FLC on Information Literacy, the First Year Experience Task Force, 2 honors students, 2 student assistants from the library, and 12 students in a web design class:
Companion "rapid prototype" developed by Ludy for discussion and sharing with others

"Quick Fixes for Intellectual Integrity" (item 3), plagiarism exercise (item 4), and list of more resources (item 5)

A loose collection of notes used for a couple of different papers in progress [attachment6 - goodson_noteson_acad_integ022807]

Themes on “what works” at campus communities:



Additional Links to Resources

Cheating in Online Assessment: Beyond Plagiarism

Preventing Online Cheating
(Code to prevent students from printing exams)

Tips to Prevent Cheating (More print-prevention code)
(Northern Illinois University)

Deterring Online Cheating with the Respondus LockDown Browser PowerLink

Online Cheating (Blog)

The Honor System (Williams College)

World Wide Learn: Preventing Cheating and Plagiarism

Online Plagiarism: How to Prevent It, How to Detect It

How do you prevent cheating in distance education?

WebCT Tip: Reducing Online Cheating

gauntlet: Anti-plagiarism service sparks fight